Friday, June 5, 2009

Jackson's first day in a kiddie pool.......

Well, Jackson got to play in the kiddie pool for the first time this past weekend. He loved it!!!! As you can see Daddy got in with him (he's in the background trying to catch a ball from our dog, Cleveland). Jackson also discovered he could drop things outside the pool and then scare mommy trying to reach for them. I thought he was going to fall on his head. I think he is ready for the big people pool now, maybe this weekend......wish me luck!

Friday, May 29, 2009

About Jackson....

Jackson is my first child. He was born October 1, 2009 at 6:11pm. He was 7lbs. 7oz. and 20in long. In our opinion, he was perfect!!

Here are a few photos of him since he was born.

Truman's Terror Face

This is how Truman is nearly all the time!

Our Dogs

We have 2 dogs now, we used to have 3 until we had to put my old Lab, Murphy, to sleep a few months ago. Now we have my husbands dog, Truman.

Then there is Cleveland, our newest dog.
Cleveland is the funniest dog ever, and he loves the baby. too.

Truman, on the other hand, is what we like to call, The Creature.
He is not very nice to everyone and is very vocal about everything!!!

I will need to post his terror face at some point.

And, I am going to also show you a picture of the late Murphy, the best dog ever!!!!!
